
Orum Homepage Hero Redesign - If I Series

What is the "If I Series"... Essentially it is a series of personal projects that demonstrate if I were to work on a specific project or were on the design team at a particular company.

For this "If I" project, I wanted to improve the hero section of the Orum website, both aesthetically and funtionally. The main goal was to shift from explaining as much about what Orum can do and how it works to simply defining what it is and the problem it solves for the user.

What did I do?
  • Updated Headline: I used the headline to focus on the problem/painpoint Orum addresses as well as the overall end result and how it benefits the targeted B2B user. Aesthetically I made the headline bigger and bolder to come across more confident and included animated text that changes between the common painpoints of outbound calling.
  • Expanded navigation to provide more clarity on what content to expect on each secondary page.
  • Simplified the color palette to improve hierarchy and cause the primaray call-to-action to be more prominent.
  • Added hero photo to help the user visuailize "life with Orum" as well as subtley help to communicate the focus on human-to-human conversations.
  • Established greater credibility by bringing forward the number of live conversations powered by Orum in the hierarchy and added interactivity by making it a live ticker/counter.
  • Simplified "Orum Flow" graphic to show one scenario in attempt to not ovewhelm the user with information and integrated it with the hero photo.
  • Used logo to create a subtle branding element and moment.
  • Moved the primary CTA above the fold on responsive mobile layout.

Additional Links:
Orum Redesign Interactive XD Prototype

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